Making a radar chart has never been easier. All changes made will be automatically reflected as you build your custom chart. Each chart is composed of 3 main parts:
The chart title represents a basic description of what the chart is attempting to display. It can be found at the top of the chart graphic in small grey font.
Datasets are the main building block of every chart. A dataset is a single entity that can be represented with values that will reflect on the chart. For example, in the example chart displayed the 3 different datasets used are all the canidates that are running for office. Notice how each of these all represent different triangles on the graph with different colors. Each dataset will have values that are needed to be displayed alongside each label.
Labels are what each dataset corresponds with on the chart. The number of labels will affect how many values each dataset has access to. For example, in the template chart the 3 main labels used are the states where all the candidates are running and how many votes each candidate got in said state.
Add label
Candidate 1, Candidate 2, and Candidate 3
Add dataset